Today, there is no limit to what a human being can earn as money. The goal of One Million is Enough is to propose a limit: One million euros of revenue per year.
This commitment to limit its income concerns us all: that our revenues are higher than one million euros annually or that they are much inferior. Indeed, how can we hope that people who can amass huge fortunes give up, if the majority of other humans do not give up on principle?
This is a very simple idea that may seem utopian. Yet this is the only possibility we have left to try to reduce the incredible inequity of the sharing of wealth that continues to increase. Possible because it can take shape now thanks to you.
This strictly individual commitment must be and remain freely consented.
It is not a question of making it a law. This commitment is at all times revocable, because it must be a conscious and conscious choice in the present.
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